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How to declare war on viruses

The first coronaviruses were described as early as the mid-1960s*. Therefore, here you will find timeless tips to strengthen your defenses and not give the viruses a chance to enter the body. Washing your hands frequently (even more frequently than you think) - especially before

Das schmeckt unserem Immunsystem gut

Tip 1: Bell pepper It is rich in vitamins such as beta carotene and vitamin C. The vitamin C content of red bell bell pepper is equal to that of citrus fruits, especially when the bell pepper is eaten raw. Tip 2: Broccoli Broccoli is

These trace elements get you going

Many of these essential trace elements are found in our daily diet. Zinc Zinc is a very important nutrient for the immune system and is particularly characterized by its antiviral effect. Zinc deficiency manifests itself in severely weakened immune function. The best sources of zinc

The right vitamin mix does the trick!

Vitamins must be supplied to the human body so that it can store them. Here are 3 classics for you to choose from: Vitamin C The best known vitamin for strengthening the immune system is vitamin C. However, it is not necessary to overdose it,

Concentrated energy in the Advent season

The small round energy balls are packed with healthy ingredients for young and old and are a delicious alternative to traditional Christmas baking. The base of the balls consists of dates, oatmeal and almonds. The dates give the balls the necessary sweetness, so no further

How much food do humans need?

As we know, high-calorie diets produce numerous diseases and cause premature aging. Recent evidence shows that needs vary widely from person to person and from situation to situation. Not all calories are the same. The effect of food is completely different on the body. So

Potency enhancing foods

The right foods can positively influence testosterone production. Vegetables Secondary plant compounds cause less testosterone to be converted into estrogen. Tip: Broccoli & cauliflower Nuts The fatty acids they contain make the inner walls of blood vessels more supple and thus improve blood flow. Tip:

Does your testosterone level match?

Testosteroneis mainly found in the male body. The concentration of this hormone in the blood is a key indicator of male well-being. Here you can find outwhich testosterone values are considered normal and what deviating measured values can mean.  

Vital, masculine and active

You want to make a good figure? Then it's time to put those exemplary fitness resolutions into action. Our tip: focus on the essentials of the training program and set yourself realistic goals. Here are a few tips for simple training at home.