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Male menopause – does it exist?

Good news for all men who feel they are going through menopause. Because they really do exist, especially since menopause basically simply means hormonal changes. In men, this means declining testosterone levels, which readily manifests itself in sleep disturbances, low performance, and declining libido. Learn

Pure energy from nature

Fenugreek seed is known for thousands of years for its invigorating effect. This knowledge has already been used by the Persians as well as monks of antiquity. Herbalist Kneipp was also a proponent of this "strong" plant.Learn more here.

The biological age counts!

We are getting older and older. Therefore, it is desirable to look healthy and young longer. Whereas a person aged 70 used to be considered old, most 70-year-olds today are still in the midst of life. Our tips for this: Adjust your diet to your

How much egg is actually healthy?

Every year around Easter, the question arises again and again: how many Easter eggs are actually healthy? Sufficient, because protein is an essential basic building material for the human body. Especially with increasing age, one should pay attention to a sufficient protein intake to minimize

Prostate – play it safe!

Every year in September, the European Prostate Day takes place. The number of new cases is estimated to be around 5,000 people annually. A preventive examination is therefore recommended from the age of 45. Learn more about this important organ here. ANDROPEAK® can stabilize your

Testosterone for everyone

Lack of drive, decreased potency, declining libido and growing belly fat affect men with increasing age. One of the culprits is the lack of testosterone, the production of which steadily declines from the mid-40s. "From about the age of 25, the testosterone level in men

The right diet for the sports

Sport has a positive effect on health and body weight, creates a change from everyday life, can reduce stress and increases self-confidence. At the same time, healthy nutrition is an important basis for being successful in sports. For this, the body should be sufficiently supplied

Can Corona vaccines be combined?

The permanent vaccination commission in Germany (STIKO) has adjusted its recommendations and now recommends using an mRNA vaccine for the second vaccination instead of a second vaccination with Astra Zeneca. Even the German Chancellor Angela Merkel received the so-called cross-vaccination, in which 2 different vaccines

The “Green Passport”

  The “Green Passport” is intended to provide digital proof of compliance with the “3-G Rule” (vaccinated, tested, recovered). It has been in force throughout the EU since July 1, and all certificates are now listed and available for retrieval. But how do you actually

Lower blood sugar – prevent diabetes

In the past, diabetes mellitus, also known as type 2 diabetes, was considered "adult-onset diabetes" because it usually only appeared at an advanced age, but due to obesity and lack of exercise, more and more younger people are also affected. In Europe, 10 percent of