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The “Green Passport”

  The “Green Passport” is intended to provide digital proof of compliance with the “3-G Rule” (vaccinated, tested, recovered). It has been in force throughout the EU since July 1, and all certificates are now listed and available for retrieval. But how do you actually

Lower blood sugar – prevent diabetes

In the past, diabetes mellitus, also known as type 2 diabetes, was considered "adult-onset diabetes" because it usually only appeared at an advanced age, but due to obesity and lack of exercise, more and more younger people are also affected. In Europe, 10 percent of

Testosterone – the “man hormone”?

How does testosterone work? When most people hear the word testosterone, they think of "typical" male attributes. Potency, strength, stamina, beard growth and in fact these characteristics, as well as sperm production are significantly influenced by testosterone. But women also need testosterone. Similar to men,

SeiAktiv and the Athletics Association!

Faster – Stronger – Further – Higher! Athletics Association trusts in new health partner SeiAktiv GmbH Dietary supplement expertise around fenugreek and red alga astaxanthin for top athletes Klosterneuburg (OTS) – Faster – Stronger – Further – Higher! Austrian Athletics Association trusts in its new

Andropeak® – clinical studies

Dietary supplements and testosterone deficiency: When advertising dietary supplements, there is often talk of studies, but how meaningful are these studies actually? First and foremost, one should pay attention to whether the study examined the actual product or only a “similar” product or one with

Astaxanthin – the red diamond among antioxidants

Free radicals and antioxidants   Most of the things we do in our daily lives cause oxidation in our bodies. Breathing, digestion and even the normal functioning of our immune system, cause an increase in free radicals (reactive oxygen species). When we run down, large

Osteoporosis – a widespread disease

Most people have heard of osteoporosis or bone loss. It is one of the most common common diseases, affecting more than two hundred million people worldwide, as well as an estimated 750,000 in Austria and 6.3 million people in Germany. It is a bone disease

More male passion

Best friends! Why testosterone and fenugreek seeds go so well together.   When most people hear the word testosterone, they think of "typical" male attributes. Potency, strength, stamina, beard growth and in fact these characteristics, as well as sperm production are significantly influenced by testosterone.

Andropause – or the “male menopause”

Age-related hormonal changes proceed differently in men and women. While in women, usually between the ages of 45 and 55, there is a rapid decrease in hormone production in the ovaries with the onset of the menopause, in men the hormonal change occurs gradually and

Andropause – or the “male menopause”

Age-related hormonal changes proceed differently in men and women. While in women, usually between the ages of 45 and 55, there is a rapid decrease in hormone production in the ovaries with the onset of the menopause, in men the hormonal change occurs gradually and